HKバーナー オイル / HK Burner型式 / Type:HK

- 製品説明
- 小型の温水ボイラー、温風暖房機、貫流ボイラーに適した小型、ローコストなバーナーです。量産機に最適です。
HK burner is compact and low cost burner, and it suits to be used for small size of hot water boiler, hot air heater and through flow boiler.HK burner is most suitable for mass production.
- 仕様
- 特長
- 外形図
・Thanks to pressed iron plate main body, HK burner is right, robust and low cost.
・Since a silencer is basic equipment, HK burner works with small noise.
・For mass production, HK burner is designed focus on maintenance and cost.
・Since a silencer is basic equipment, HK burner works with small noise.
・For mass production, HK burner is designed focus on maintenance and cost.